As stewards of God’s gracious gifts, we are all called to share our treasure with others. Our parish is funded through the generous contributions of our parishioners.
Non-Cash Gifts
Did you know that you can donate non-cash gifts? You can donate marketable securities such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds. You can also give other non-cash gifts or include Our Mother of Sorrows in your estate planning.
Online Giving
If you prefer the convenience of paper-free contributions, we offer On-Line Giving. You are in total control of the amount and frequency of giving. Contributions may be made via your checking or savings account, or through Visa and MasterCard. It is safe and secure. The parish has no access to your personal account information.
You may use On-Line Giving in combination with your envelopes, or you may contact the parish office to stop delivery of your paper envelopes all together. Click on the On-Line Giving link at the top of the webpage.